On Saturday, July 10, Rob and I found out that we are expecting a baby! Wow! :)
It took us completely by surprise. We had it confirmed 3 days later by my family practice doctor, who told us that our due date was February 22, 2011. Then, on July 20, I went to my first OB appointment at Duke Women's Health Associates at Patterson Place, where I had my first ultrasound. Rob came with me to this appointment, and we both got to hear the baby's heartbeat. Super wow! Here is the first picture of our baby:
They measured the embryo in 3 different places and they calculated a new due date for us: March 6, 2011. It's so different than the first due date they gave because my menstrual cycles aren't exactly regular, and so it's more accurate to just measure the baby than it is to ask me the date of my last period.
Rob and I are so excited about this news that it's hard to put into words! We called our parents to share the great news, and then we blabbed it to the world, well, our social network, right after that. We just couldn't hold in the news! I know a lot of people wait until the first trimester is complete before they announce the news to "everyone else"...but we're not those kind of people! You know Rob and I, we both love to talk and share good news!
So as of today, I am 9 weeks and 5 days into the pregnancy. I had my 2nd OB appointment yesterday and it went very well. My doc praised me for healthy weight gain, good blood pressure and for asking good questions. She tried to hear the baby's heartbeat yesterday with a fetal doppler, but couldn't find it, which she said is normal this early in the pregnancy. So she decided to give me another ultrasound where she could check on the baby's heartbeat much easier. Which produced another picture of our baby (this is much higher quality):

I think it's totally amazing to see the difference between the first ultrasound picture and the second one! What an absolute miracle this life is! The 1st picture literally looked like a diagonal blob, and a little over 2 weeks later, it's actually looking like a baby! I see a large head (maybe we will name him Sir Issac...just kidding!), a tiny nose, 2 tiny arms and 2 tiny legs!
God is so wonderful! In the midst of all of our daily suffering through dialysis and polycystic kidneys among other things, God gives us a beautiful, precious gift. Something we've wanted for so long. Something we've been trying and hoping for. Something we thought we weren't going to get, hence all the talk and action in the past year about wanting to adopt children...
God is the creator of this baby and He will get all the glory for it!
Thanks for reading!
I like pictures of the baby more than Rob's kidneys, which I have now decided resemble some high-calorie new menu item at KFC. :)