Welcome to Rob and Danielle's Blog!

Rob has PKD and started dialysis in January 2008. He is waiting for a kidney transplant. He currently undergoes nocturnal in-center hemodialysis 3 nights/week. Rob and Danielle are both Christians who strive to live a life of obedience to God's commands. We are praying that the transplant comes from a living donor.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

To blog, or not to blog, that is the question?

All the cool kids are doing it. C'mon, just do it. Everyone will think you're cool. They'll laugh at your humor. It'll be fun, I promise.

Aw, I'm having second thoughts about this. This isn't going to be as fun as I originally thought. I mean, who really cares enough to want to read what I'll write? This is a dumb idea.

These are thoughts that have been going on in my all-too-stuffed brain lately. Sometimes I feel like I barely have the mental energy to complete the duties that make up life's general activities, such as working, grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, being a wife...so why am I considering the addition of blogging to that list? I guess my answer is:

Because I feel that I have something to share,
Because I hope that my experience will help others,
Because I love my husband,
Because I want to share info about Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD),
Because I want others to know that dialysis can sometimes be a drag,
Because I want to show that dialysis can be a positive experience.

Okay, I'll go for it. There's nothing to lose, except time that is, which I'm already wasting on mostly unproductive websites like Facebook and Fark. So why not take this time and use it productively? Maybe someone, somewhere out there will read this and be comforted, encouraged, strengthened or informed by what I write.

And maybe, just maybe...I can get my husband to add in his 2 cents every once in a while. He's the one with all the true knowledge of PKD and life on hemodialysis.

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited to have found this blog - via your New Kidney: New Life blog. Ben and I are Christians as well, and I recently started a blog for some of the same reasons you began this one - plus I think it will be a therapeutic experience for both of us to journal our way through this experience. I know it may sound a little crazy, but I'm starting at the beginning of this blog. I am anxious to read more about your experience, in hopes that it may better prepare me for ours. I am very thankful that you decided to do this blogging thing! :)
